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Month: July 2018

Why am I single?

The question of why a person is STILL single starts with all the wrong questions and answers. Why am I all alone? – “You’re not good enough” Why have I not purchased a home yet? – “You need a house to be settled” Why is dating so hard? – “Love just happens” Why can’t I make friends? – “Everyone else is loved” Why have I never been on a date? – “Your don’t put yourself

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Leaders to Singles
Mental Health and Allowing God to Use All Options

Your friends, family, and loved ones already know. They see it on your face every day, and hear it in your voice when you speak. The struggle, once a moment, has settled into a season, and you’re not sure how to get out. You pray. You read Scripture. You believe in a God who heals all things according to His will. You seek wise counsel. You go to small group. You ask for prayer, maybe

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